Thursday, May 26, 2016

Fuel Zone 20 Time Reflection

I created Fuel-Zone, a nutrition blog for athletes. So far it has 3 posts, all with gif's to make them more interesting. It will include include information of do's and don't's, recipes, and videos in the future for anyone to see and learn. These are some of the topic ideas I made during the project:
I thought my Ted Talk went fairly well. I stumbled a little bit, but I feel like I got my main points across clearly. Slowing it down was hard for me, but even though I have improved from the WEE presentations I should still work on that. If I could do it over, I would have finalized my presentation earlier because I thought I knew what I was going to say but not in any order. It would have been a lot smoother if I had done that because it would have been in my mind longer. On the rubric, I would give myself a 73 because I feel like I was still rushing a little bit and not completely captivating. My preparations seemed rushed so I tried different tactics to practice the speech. One thing I tried was recording myself on my phone and listening to it through out the day. I wouldn't say you could memorize things from this method, but it defiantly helped. Giving the talk, I was very nervous. I was mainly focused on hitting everything on the rubric and I was a little overwhelmed by how many things there were. By the end I loosened up a little and it was easier. It was very helpful to have flashcards and they organized my thoughts. I have grown a lot by finding my comfort zone on presenting and how far in advance I should be practicing. My biggest takeaway from everything was to stop overthinking and do it. The project itself was hard to get the ball rolling and making the speech was a similar situation. If  I know I have to do something, it is best to start it instead of hesitating for other purposes.
 I liked listening to others presentations because I thought it was interesting to see what topics they chose. There were a lot of topics that I wouldn't have guessed people to choose. I am excited to see if they keep working on them and how they turn out. 20 time was a challenge for me, especially since I am a very indecisive person. I learned a lot about myself and I had a positive experience. 

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