Thursday, January 21, 2016

Candy Electrophoresis Lab

1. Absent.
2. The green is similar to Blue 1 because their bonds look alike. The color green is very similar to blue because green is made up of blue so they should be a similar length.
3. Manufacturers put dyes in dog food because it makes it visually appealing and that results in more people buying it.
4. Artificial colors would be preferred because they catch more attention in the eye of the consumer.
5. Length and weight of dye.
6. Electrical force helped move the dyes to the positive.
7. DNA is negatively charged so the small pieces crawl easier through the gel to get to the positive.
8. The 600 would be the closest to the positive, then 1000 and 2000, and then 5000 should be the one closest to the negative side.

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