Monday, September 28, 2015

Identifying Questions and Hyptheses

The study is about how pigeons learn to categorize words and photographs is similar to a human child.

The question of the study was how are pigeons learning methods connection to the learning process of children. The hypothesis stated that if pigeons have a similar learning process to children, then pigeons can categorize and learn words just as fast as a child. Pigeons have been known to be smarter than average birds, even though their brains are so small. They have better eyesight than humans and have a homing instinct that can work even when blindfolded. Pigeons have been trained by the US Coast Guard and carried messages during the World Wars. They can use the main process of word learning, which is mapping between stimuli and responses. Through experiments of tests of categorizing and naming natural and human made objects, the mechanism that we use to learn may be shared with intelligent animals.

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