Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Questions of Life

16. What is at the bottom of the ocean?
I am interested in this question because the ocean covers 2/3 of our planet yet we know so little about what is really underneath us. There could be solutions to our problems, like diseases and peak oil, just waiting below in the form of undiscovered plants and animals.
A current hypothesis would be if 95% of the ocean is unexplored, then there should be many types of organisms that are still unknown.

20 Questions
1. When will self driving cars be put into full effect?
2. Will humans be able to stay underwater longer?
3. Will paper become obsolete?
4. Can natural disasters be prevented entirely?
5. Will global warming kill us?
6. What happens when you die?
7. What question has never been asked?
8. Will it be possible to run out of original ideas?
9. Why have chickens and penguins evolved into not being able to fly?
10. What separates consciousness and computers?
11. Are all planets and stars spherical?
12. How do anti-gravity machines work?
13. Why can't we invent human wings?
14. Can we control machinery with our mind?
15. Is there a cure to the common cold?
16. Can cells be man made?
17. How do we separate carbohydrates into a pure form?
18. How does yeast rise?
19. Does the voice inside people's head have different languages?
20. Does Mars have life on it with the discovery of water?

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