Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Unit 5 Reflection

This unit was about what genes are made of and how they are used in our cells. We learned about genetic code and that nucleotides are made up of a nitrogen base of A, T, G or C, a phosphate group and a five carbon sugar called deoxyribose. DNA is copied in order for mitosis and meiosis to take place and it is copied inside of the nucleus. The enzyme helicase unzips the DNA strand into 2 separate strands then DNA polymaerase fills out the complementary strand with matching nucleotides. DNA is the master copy for making proteins and RNA is the disposable messenger copy. For protein synthesis, DNA is transcribed by RNA polymerase into a single strand of mRNA and where the Ts change to Us. Introns that do not code for the protein needed are cut out of the DNA strand so only the exons are left. Then the mRNA goes into the cytoplasm to attach to a ribosome and is read in groups of 3 called codons that code for specific amino acids.
 tRNA brings the proper amino acids as the codon is being read by the ribosome. Mutations are changes in DNA when it is copied. Insertions cause the least amount of change to the genetic code because it only messes up one base pair while frameshift mutations like deletion and insertions change the whole reading frame of DNA and every base pair that comes after the mutations. I think of how cells have all genes like a recipe book and cells that are specialized make certain dishes. 
My strengths in this unit were understanding protein synthesis and what enzymes were used. I understood the genetic code because it is similar to computer code. I also got confused when DNA goes to RNA and how the T switches to U.
 One of my weaknesses was understanding gene regulation and what the steps were. I have some problems visualizing it since it is on such a minuscule scale and it is hard to relate to everyday objects that I see and know.
The diagram shown in class is very helpful because I am scared that if I try to draw my own diagram I will get it wrong and study off of a wrong diagram. I want to learn more about how genes are regulated because I find it interesting how the presence of certain material can trigger the production of a specific enzyme.  The process of exons and introns is interesting and how DNA has so many process that happen in order to be used around the cell. I wonder about if DNA messes up when cutting out the introns and creates a big mutation. 

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