Friday, November 20, 2015

Unit 4 Reflection

This unit was about how genes divide and are passed on to offspring. A big concept was how different sexual reproduction is from asexual. Sexual reproduction create genetic variation and can breed for adaptations to environmental changes. Meiosis is the process of making sex cells that are necessary for fertilization. In meiosis, a human diploid cell divides with 46 chromosomes divides into 4 haploid gametes each with 23 chromosomes. A gene on the chromosomes In anaphase II, chromosomes separate into two cells. Both of Mendel's laws, the law of segregation and the law of independent assortment, take place in anaphase II.
Chromosomes have many traits on each chromosome that is recombined during meiosis. Chromosomes not only determine traits by autosomes, they also determine the sex of an organism by sex chromosomes. There are autosomal disorders and sex-linked disorders. Sex-linked disorders differ in probability to gender.
One of my weaknesses is remembering the phases of mitosis and meiosis. Another one is solving for the probability of blood types. One of my strengths is doing punnet squares and another one is knowing the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual. A setback at the beginning of the unit was understanding the difference between meiosis and mitosis, but once we learned more about the gametes and Mendel's laws it became more clear.
I want to learn more about genes that have multiple factors or how adaptations form in DNA.

My results on the VARK Questionnaire were 11 for Visual, 8 for aural, 10 for writing, and 11 for
kinesthetic. I was not surprised about having the lowest aural because I know that I am not good at listening to problems or lectures and thinking without writing something down. I was surprised to have a good score on kinesthetic because I've never noticed that movement helps me learn. I am very aware of being a visual learner and I try to draw pictures not matter how bad and use colors. I should try to learn with kinesthetic styles by putting examples in my study guides and use diagrams.

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